I had a wonderful Thanksgiving with my family and friends. Nick and I host every year and it is so much fun getting all of the food ready. We have it down to a science. We were even able to sneak in an hour at the gym before putting the turkey in the oven.
Then I headed to New Hope, PA with Nick. We stayed at an adorable Bed and Breakfast and spent the weekend hiking and sightseeing. We tend to go out there every two years and find a new place to stay and it seems regardless of where we stay, it is still always a bit creepy. There is something strange about walking into a house and borrowing a room for the weekend. But The Fox and Hound Inn was definitely worth it.
After a relaxing weekend we headed home for yet another sucker punch from life. I found out that another family member has cancer. So this year we have had, 2 people with cancer, me in the hospital and then all the other everyday issues that families have. And man this was it, it was the last straw, and I lost it. Now I am really ready for this year to end. But hey, as my dad put it, "We never question all of the good things that happen in our lives, and ask why they happened. So why question the bad. Just deal with the days as the come" and now that is what I am trying to do.
So my initial reaction to this news was to lay low. I took on some extra classes at the gym and I have been taking out my frustrations on the treadmill and teaching spin. I just feel bad for the students! :-) And now I am just dealing.
But I don't want to end this on a sad note, so I will also share with you, what I have been doing as I finish up my stretch of working from home. So now I present to you, Mullet Dog:
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