Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Welcome to Hell

I think I may have been taking this over/under training week a little too lightly. I got up nice and early again this morning to force down a power bar (I am out of Newtons), have a huge cup of coffee and head to the pool for the second day of my over/under work out. Here was my workout:

1000 warm up (ok now seriously that is a really long warm up)
5 x (300 (at 800 TT +5), 300 (at 800 TT + 10))

I got in the pool and halfway through my warm up I was already tired! Then it was into the main set. Much like the run during the first two sets my confidence was pretty high. I thought this doesn't hurt too much. And as I have mentioned a million times before, being under water, let's me think in peace and quiet. And it let's me deal with all the things I try to avoid dealing with normally. So I pushed through the first two sets, having arguments in my head and bringing my brain a little peace. Third set, well the faster portion, not so bad. The slower one, slowed a bit more than it should. Fourth set, this time the faster one I pushed too hard on, and so the slower one was slower by a decent amount. Fifth set, good lord, I thought I was going to die. My shoulders were burning, I was breathing so hard, I think I was distracting others in the pool, and there was nothing in brain to sort out, so I just swam with a bunch of tired angst.

When I was done, I was happy to be done that is for sure! I got out of the pool and felt a feeling reminiscent of getting off the treadmill yesterday. My world was spinning. I had to sit down for a few minutes to get my bearings and I continued to have little spinning moments all the way to the locker room.

I got back to the house to shower and get ready for work and it was actually challenging to get my hands up to my head to shampoo my hair! And now I have a full day of work ahead of me.

So here I go! Until tomorrow my friends, when I attempt to do it all over again, this time on the bike.

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